08 November 2007

Tories unveil 'co-op school' plan


Is it just me that finds the idea of US style local school boards outside of local government control mildly disturbing. We already have state fended academies teaching creationism and intelligent design. My concern is that this is just another way to move education in England and Wales back into the 19th Century.

Yes the process works in Sweden. That's because Sweden has a totally different culture. They understand that better education doesn't mean more schooling. Given that in the UK the general populace's only experience of school is their own experience, allowing the public to control the next generation of schools would be like putting public transport planning in the hands of the oil companies.

What we need is for politicians to stop using education as a point scoring exercise. We need less targets and more thinking, less schooling and more learning.

Perhaps this might happen under the 'co-op' banner, but I'd bet on more religious schooling and segregation,a further shift of resources towards the suburban middle classes and absolutely no improvement in provision for the poorer segments of society - except now the blame will be laid squarely at the feet of their own 'co-ops'.

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