14 April 2005

ATI 2005 day 3

Day 3: project day

Course evaluation - tinyurl.com/6uhbv

Day 3 is very much a do what you want day where in addition to learning new skills on an almost need-to-know basis indiviuals really get to grips with the processes of creating films rather than focussing on skill aquisition.

There were a couple of key group learning moments in this day just like last year. A group of us were trying to animate a sequence with a book opening and a page crumpling up. After much head scratching a passing peer suggested off-hand that it would be much quicker to just film the book opening (rather than animate it and then just animate the crumpling page.

The second one was that it isn't always necessary to do things in order. By crumpling up the page and animating the sequence in reverse it was far easier than tring to animate a piece of paper crupling into a ball. THe final shots were done with some increasingly less creased photocopies.

All of these were almost eureka moments that individually, or even as a small group we might have struggled to solve in the available time, but the large community came to our rescue pitching in ideas and possible solutions. In turn we through our own ideas into other peoples projects.

I also managed to find time to be filmed by various other groups and to complete a film to music sequence (all six 1/2 minutes) of one of our bands songs. I was really just doing it for pleasure but was persuaded to submit it. Definitely worth doing - seeing it on the big screen was something else! And it got applause!!! Just shows how important that evaluation stage is.

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